For those who have never been there, Gingerwood is a really neat place during these shows.
There are riding rings all over the place,
a canteen, a tent for exhibitors (where we got to watch a great talent show!)
and you are (get this!) chauffered
from your car down to the petting zoo and pony rides.Our tent was right across from the grass arena, so we had excellent seats to watch the jumping.
Greenhawk was set up just about 20 feet from our booth--huge, HUGE temptation. However, I resisted--I really don't believe that the pony needs twenty new halters in various colours and a set of brushes to go with each (although, if she had been there, I bet she would have talked me into at least one--smart little pony!)
Nice Nags was there too, and they obviously meant business, because they brought their top salesman with them (he's the big guy with the brown hair, in the right of the picture). Again, temptation, but I resisted (took more effort than was pretty...)
And, now, I want to introduce you to a new raffle we have going on. Yes, it is the Imaginary Horse Raffle. Just look at this young fellow (or filly)--is it just me, or do you see the DuMaurier Cup too? I know, a little pudgy now, but with a bit of work, a few miles jogging around the living room, wearing the Mountain T-shirt he's (she's) sporting on his (her) back, and he (or she) will be the Grand Prix prospect of your dreams!
With a pedigree including The Black Stallion, Black Beauty, Spirit and My Little Pony Lilly Lightly, how can he (or she) be anything but spectacular?! Tickets are only $1 and can be purchased at Storybook Stables right now! Further ticket sales will be announced. Don't miss out on your chance to ride the horse of your dreams...
And, finally, the winner of our magnificant show package was...(drum roll)...
Nicole Kitchener of Cornwall, PEI! Congratulations Nicole and we hope to see your horses (and you) wearing their (your) new duds soon!
All right, it's a sunny day! Everyone, let's ride! Oh, and don't forget to hug your horse!