Sunday, July 19, 2009
Looking for volunteers!
We have time slots of:
Stanhope Equestrian Challenge
Monday July 27 10-12, 12-2
Tuesday July 28 10-12, 12-2
Wednesday July 29 10-12, 12-2
Gingerwood Charity Classic
Friday July 31 10-12, 12-2
Saturday August 1 10-12, 12-2 Draw at 2:00
Here's what they are saying about the shows at Gingerwood:
Gingerwood Charity Horse Shows
Get ready for a week of fun and entertainment! Atlantic Canada’s largest outdoor equestrian events, the Gingerwood Charity Horse Shows, are back for another exciting week this summer. The event kicks off on July 27th with the Stanhope Equestrian Challenge, running until July 29th , followed by the Gingerwood Charity Classic; July 31 to August 2.
Guaranteed to be a fun filled week for the whole family; with free pony rides each day, a petting zoo, a country canteen, Grand-Prix show-jumping, and so much more! Only $5 a car load, with all proceeds going to Oak Acres Children’s Camp.
Event Location: Gingerwood Farm, Stanhope Lane, Stanhope, PEI ( Follow Rt 25 to Rt. 6 - Watch for Signs)
You can check out their website at
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Star Yankee
He raced a couple of times as a two year old, then was injured and was given a year off to heal. He came back as a three year old, raced again a couple of times, then was injured again. Another year's vacation...get the idea he's actually smarter than the rest of us? Hmmm, couple of days work, off for a year. Sounds good to me! It was during his return as a four year old that his breathing problem became apparent--while trotting a fast mile (less than 2 minutes to finish), his palate would flip up and interfere with his breathing. He is still good for any number of other jobs, but this issue willl always have to be kept in mind. He has a good work ethic and, while he goofs around and has fun when off duty, he knows when to get down to work, which sounds like a pretty cool personality to me.

Enjoy the summer day, everyone! And don't forget to hug a horse today!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Another fun day at the horse (duck) show!
We have, from left to right, Bila, Jordann, Wylie and Bridget, who gave their Saturday morning sleep in to help the horses. Thank you, ladies and gentleman! You can also see on the table the prize for the raffle draw, draw day July 31st at Gingerwood. Starting from the bottom left, we have a burgundy suede-like saddle pad, summer riding gloves, a horse themed diary, a silver brooch shaped like a full cheek snaffle, a pair of socks which say 'Love riding, hate flying' (you know, the kind of flying that happens when you horse suddenly decides that there's a horse eating monster hidden behind that stump you've passed everyday for the past 6 months), the show cooler (beautiful forest green), a pink horse girl hat, horse treats, Show Sheen, and a really nice grooming box to keep your things in. There is a lovely little charm to go on your bridle, as well, though I can't seem to find it in the picture. Just a wonderful package of things and tickets are very reasonable: 1 for $2, 3 for $5. Remember, less than a month left to get your tickets!!
An update on Andy: after further consultation with the vet college, Andy's mom has decided that he would be better off if she donated him to the vet college. Not only will he receive the best of medical care, but he will have a very relaxed, lazy life where his main job will be to just look absolutely spectacular and hang out with a bunch of friends. Hmmm, where do you go to sign up for one of those jobs...?
Check out the website to see our newest potential adoptee: Yankee Star. I'll be blogging him later on this week, once I have all his information.
Well, I have to go squelch my way over to clean the barn. Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Out one door, in another!
Horses, horses, everywhere!
Dottie, our OTSB(off track standardbred) has found a new home with Ian and Jennifer Steeksma. Not only that, but Dottie's new mom and dad are so happy with her they are going to send her to school! Dottie is going to learn all about those riding horsey type things, like saddles, and giving to leg pressure, and bending! Dottie tells me she's quite looking forward to trying something new, because one can only take so much just standing around looking gorgeous before it all gets a little stale. So, please, join me in waving bye-bye to Dottie, as she heads off for new adventures.
Well, with Dottie leaving, you would think we would have all the time in the world to sit around and discuss the merits of brown vs. black tack on various colours of horses, but, fate had something (or rather, someone) else in store for us. Actually, several someones. However, I won't load you up with lots of names to remember yet, but I would like to tell you Andy's story, because it's really kind of sad.

If you might be interested in Andy, he is a timid horse and dislikes thinking that someone is angry with him. In the herd, he is submissive. He isn't spooky--when startled, he freezes or walks sideways, but doesn't bolt, according to his mom. Andy should be kept on turnout as much as possible, as prolonged periods of standing make him stiff and his walk awkward. When lifting his feet, he may snap them up high, but will bring them down shortly after. There is some evidence that a high fat, low starch diet is of some help with these horses, combined with a regular exercise program. The most quoted option is alfalfa pellets with some sort of vegetable oil (20% of calories from fat), instead of a regular grain mix. He should not be used in areas where he would really need his hind end for impulsion (jumping, riding in hills, etc). This is a progressive illness, but slow, and can be even slower with proper management.
Andy needs a foster home soon, as his mom has to decide what she will do with him. If you have space, even just for the summer, please contact us. And, Andy is not the only four-legged friend needing our help. Even if you don't feel Andy is a good match for you to foster, there are others, that will be featured in coming weeks. Our email is
Visit us at our website,, to stay on top of everything that's going on. We now have a new page, the 'Bridle' Registry, for things that are in short supply.
Thank you for your support! Don't forget about the raffle for all the show gear. Tickets go on sale at the Storybook Stables show on July 4th, at Storybook Stables in Brookfield, right on the number 2 highway. Guaranteed to be lots of fun--come on down! I hear rumours of cookies...