And, wouldn't you know it, we ALL forgot our cameras! (I'm so ashamed...). But, we raised $326 this weekend and we introduced a new fundraiser--stuffed horses! You can see their pictures on the Can I Help page of our website. Not only that, we now have T-shirts, with the Sadie's Place logo on the front and the website address on the back. Hoping to have pictures to post soon and also hoping to find the time to straighten out the Paypal issue. The stuffed horses are $25 each and include registration in the Sadie's Rescue Registry. They are included with the memberships as part of the package as well. The t-shirts are $22 for youth and $24 for adults, if you are not a member of Sadie's Place. Member prices are $18 and $20 each. Each horse or t-shirt sold will keep a horse in foster care for a week. A family membership keeps a horse in foster care for 3, an individual membership is good for about 2 weeks. So, not only does a horse get a second chance, but you get something for yourself too!
I was out to play with the horses today and Yankee says he's having fun and has learned to trot in a circle on a lunge line, which is pretty weird, but he'll humour us as long as we keep up the wither scratches. They are da bomb! he says. (And where he picked up that phrase, I'll never know!) He's learning to bring his head down from the Standardbred racing placement to a headset that is more suited to pleasure riding. He's a really great guy and really needs some volunteers to come out and love on him--he's used to a lot of people giving him a lot of attention.
And, speaking of attention, there's a new guy in town that we think is going to get a lot of attention. Woodbe a Devil, or Devil, as he is called, is indeed a handsome devil. If you've checked out our adoption page, you'll have seen his picture on there. And, boy, he is all that! Long, long legs, a short back, a long neck and the cutest puppydog lost expression right now, as he tries to figure out what happened.
Devil apparently chipped a sesamoid bone while racing and, while he has healed, he is no longer sound enough to race on the hard tracks. After a successful career, this 7 year old sweetie needs to find a new job to do.
Gorgeous, isn't he? And just a sweetheart to work around, although he's still a little unsure and suspicious of his new surroundings--we don't look the least little bit like a racing barn! I think he would make a lovely low level dressage prospect for someone, with that neck and those legs.He'll remain in quarantine for another week or so, then we can start working with him and see how he goes on. If anyone wants to come out and love on a big black horse, here's your chance!

Hope everyone had a chance to get out and enjoy the sunshine. Fingers crossed for more! I'm not ready for winter yet! Oh, and before I forget, don't forget to hug your horse!