Well, we went to Old Home Week, and it was a blast! For those who couldn't free up time in their schedule this year, keep next year open, because we had a ball! Thanks to Lucy Newson, who gave us an absolutely spectacular spot for our table, right in the main foyer! Not only that, but as exhibitors, we got in free!
So, I said Lucy gave us a great spot, didn't I? Well, we were right across from the canteen (and, oh, wasn't that a constant act of willpower--they had cotton candy!)
Here is Brandi at the booth, laughing at me and telling me I am not allowed to buy cotton candy.
Here is a blurry picture of the view right across from our booth. We were so close we could watch the jumping classes and still keep an eye on the booth. We took turns manning the booth, so we could watch our friends competing.
When we weren't at the booth, we went for strolls around the grounds. Childfind was there, doing fingerprints and those ID booklets of theirs--great idea! I keep one of my daughter just in case someone else decides she's just as cute as I think she is!
Just around the corner from us was the entrance to all the booths. There was an incredible amount of stuff to do and see. There was even a balloon guy who could make Spiderman out of balloons! Now, you don't see that every day!
This is a picture of the Agricultural section, where all the displays showed different things that were going on in agriculture. One of the really interesting things I saw was someone who is packaging silage in small bags, for people who have horses with the heaves. Unfortunately, I didn't see a price anywhere, but if you have a horse or pony with the heaves, you might want to contact them to ask about the product. They are Island Meadows Forage Company and their email is info@islandmeadows.com.
A rather blurry peek through some other booths at the agricultural section. It was hard to take pictures here--there were so many people!
Just across from the agricultural section, there was a spot for the kids, where you could braid a (fake) horse's tail, 'drive' a racehorse, play computer games, plant beans and...MILK A COW!!!!
In a little foyer off to the side, the 4-H crew had a bit of a petting zoo set up, with lots of information. 4-H is a great group to get involved in and it's not all animals and farming. 
And, of course, the food! Not only was there food everywhere (oh, boy, was it everywhere...), but there were a series of demonstrations by different local chefs, paired with local farmers and you got samples! Yum! For a small island, we really do have a lot of high end, top quality chefs per capita. We probably eat better than Ottawa or Toronto!
And, last but not least, we did draw for that Kid's Dream package, with the stuffed horse and the T-shirt. The winner of the package was
Megan Kennedy of Summerside! Congratulations, Megan, and enjoy your horse and your t-shirt!
That's it for today. Stay tuned for posts on our upcoming gala fundraising dinner and other random posts by yours truly. And, until then, go hug a horse!
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